One fine Monday morning, last spring, I received a call from a client for whom I had completed some projects before. He told me, that for an American artist, who quite suddenly had booked a European tour, he was looking for a producer for a complete merchandise line. But that had to be delivered in Sweden within 2 weeks, with also a long and free Easter weekend in between.

"Of course, no problem!" is my standard reply. Only after that I received the mail with the order, and I can only start thinking about how we can manage that.

It turned out to be a very complete line indeed. Various models of T-shirts, with short and long sleeves, hoodies, sweaters, beanies, caps, totebags, you name it. Of course all with the necessary printing, embroidery and even embroidered badges, and in reasonably large quantities, and as said within two weeks.

Fortunately, we have a large network of reliable suppliers, and our own employees are not averse to going the extra mile during busy times. However, in these times you immediately run into a very common problem: stock availability. So I had to get the textiles from several suppliers, some of which are based in England, and since the Brexit that often causes some delays. And we didn't really have that time. Fortunately, that fairly simple problem was solved; the shipment did not have to be delivered in Sweden in one go, but could be sent off in 5 smaller portions, to various locations in Europe. That saved a few extra days, so that the British supply also arrived in time to be printed.

All in all, we ended up finishing the job well ahead of schedule, and we have a wonderful new, very satisfied client for whom we hope to complete many more such fun projects in the future!


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